#1 Re: Server Ban Appeals » Is this a joke? Banned for what reason? » 2019-02-02 23:42:48

I was told you guys are the same group of admins on both svs(and same owner)....my apologizes sad

#2 Re: Server Ban Appeals » Is this a joke? Banned for what reason? » 2019-02-01 14:10:42

Maybe I should have mentioned early but I thought was obvious:
Nickname  -  Sgt.David
Sv.  in this case  -  aX
Time,Date  -  23:00 - 01:00 GMT+2( around the midnight between 31 of January and 1 February )

#3 Server Ban Appeals » Is this a joke? Banned for what reason? » 2019-02-01 02:27:10

Replies: 9

Two Hours Ago ago was playing on map "Bocage". I don't think I was playing more than 5 minutes.
So what happened?
- I spawn in base(Germany)
- Took a car to NEAR enemy base
- Crossed the enemy base when  I saw NO ONE inside(to avoid killing in base)
- On the next hill after the red circle delimiting enemy  American base(OUTSIDE OF IT),I spotted an US running from my direction.So I turned him into a  squashed tomato:)
- after that "tomato guy" (OUTSIDE OF ENEMY BASE) I spotted a Mustang,just staying there...."Ain't I a lucky one?"Went closer and an enemy jumped out of it
- we started shooting each other"SHHHHIIT ...out of bullets"BOOM ! exp pack saved my day..time to get me a plane.
- got inside the plane started  to take off like 2 feet in air...BANNED! Msj. after "banned for disrupting the game"

I also like to mentioning there was no  auto msj from sv with "Sgt.David pls stop attacking enemy base" warning.
Have I mentioned before this all action taken OUTSIDE OF ENEMY BASE?

Yes,I have read the rules,I know them,I understand them and as a former admin on other games and svs for more then 10 y I RESPECT THE RULES!(prob. the first thing or second was reading before starting playing on your sv)

Yes,It happened to brake the rules unintentionally but always admit it(said sry when I attacked some one in base or tk by mistake)I also admit that I BEND the rules or PUSH them to limit..but always RESPECT THE RULES

Hope this ends up well and tomato player is fine:)
Cheers and Thank You to whom given its time reading this

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