#1 Server Ban Appeals » new guy here, playing no key servers by AX,seems to be banned » 2019-01-03 03:16:02

Replies: 3

Hey internet peoples,so i downloaded 1942 recently on this painfully low spec emachine desktop, from a pair that i fixed up for me an my brother over the holidays,for movies, old games an shit like that. Now its probably just a misunderstanding,maybe i touched an admin the wrong way,though im not overly chatty so idk.

i mighta tkd the wrong guy or admin.By accident most likely,ill admit ive fragged a couple people being twitchy or messing with my mouse connections(r.i.p friendo destroyer that ate my broadside gun during a mouse malfuncton) .If not that,its for sure something else equally noobish anyway, my  names the same as listed here, so i hope i dont stay banned so overly long.Cause playing bf2s forgottenhope 2 is awesome, but its one active server likes to sleep as much as i do lol.Anyways,i hope to see you all on the battlefield again soon,i just love combined arms games an have a rig litterally as strong as a modern day pocket calculator.

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