#1 Re: Server Ban Appeals » Ban Appeal » 2014-06-20 06:59:48

So.. is it fair to unbar me now?

#3 Re: Server Ban Appeals » Ban Appeal » 2012-10-06 15:03:52

Lol you guys? I just want to play the server. Can't we do a last chance, and permanent ban me? I just really want to play!

#4 Re: Server Ban Appeals » Ban Appeal » 2012-10-06 01:25:15

? I assume the person who was playing was my brother at the time? So why am I banned (again)? I haven't played in months.

#5 Re: Server Ban Appeals » Ban Appeal » 2012-10-05 21:57:04

Ok? So my question is, when can I play?

#6 Re: Server Ban Appeals » Ban Appeal » 2012-10-05 02:22:59

So here's an update. I can play through my iphone (hotspot) and I can play both at my uncles house and my friends house. So I wonder if it's some firewall issue. My brother (on my computer) yesterday said the server was working during school, but I could never connect to it through my internet. Am I going to have to play through a slow iPhone device from now on?

#7 Re: Server Ban Appeals » Ban Appeal » 2012-10-04 22:20:37

I know.. i did in fact change names.

#8 Re: Server Ban Appeals » Ban Appeal » 2012-10-04 03:32:22

Yes, any other server that is within my update patch. If I go to my friends house, I can play BF at his house, but can't play it at my house.

#9 Re: Server Ban Appeals » Ban Appeal » 2012-10-04 02:51:24

Nope, I bought it at Best Buy (The Complete Collection) and it came with all the serials. Also, when I click the server and join it, the loading bar for the connecting to server doesn't go up, and then says failed to load server.

#10 Re: Server Ban Appeals » Ban Appeal » 2012-10-04 00:16:47

I still can't! Do I have to update something?

#11 Re: Server Ban Appeals » Ban Appeal » 2012-10-03 12:44:12

Hello, I'm still banned - Cannot connect to server, but the server and the server list can still get pinged and I can update the player count on SiMPLE | BF1942 [FRA]. Think I'm still banned.

#12 Re: Server Ban Appeals » Ban Appeal » 2012-10-03 03:50:24

Why would I bother to screw around again, and get ip banned again? Yes, I did deserve the ban, but in my opinion, I should get a second chance to not screw up. And If you don't believe I am truly sorry, what makes you think I am wasting my time trying to repeal my ban if I would just get banned again in a matter of minutes? It doesn't make any sense.

#13 Re: Server Ban Appeals » Ban Appeal » 2012-10-03 02:38:44

I won't deny that I was screwing around and tking, but I was ip banned months ago, and haven't been able to connect to the server in months.

#14 Server Ban Appeals » Ban Appeal » 2012-10-02 01:21:52

Replies: 42

- [CKUA] James??
- Couple months back
-SiMPLE | BF1942 No Key [FRA]

I probably was screwing around, won't do it again, thanks. Not sure if that was my name during when I got banned. I can also give you my ip address and cd hash.

Other names I think could be James and Evolution

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