#1 Report Abuse » bfsoldier 69 » 2019-02-03 12:02:19

Replies: 2

A few minutes ago I was blown up by bfsoldier_69 on Iwo Jima after landing my plane on the carrier. I was trying to repair it and he kept shooting at me and eventually killed me. When I respawned I had to defend myself and shoot him back. Check the logs for the exchange.

#2 Report Abuse » Player googoowaah » 2018-12-16 13:36:38

Replies: 1

Googoowaah is constantly abusing the chat,  being racist, saying how nazis should have won ww2 and when I call him out for abusing the chat he called me a bunch of racist names. I've seen him do it more than once so today I decided to report him, check the logs from the last 10 mins (it's 11:36 GMT as I post this) I think you should permaban him for abusing the chat. I'm sick and tired of trolls and dumbass history arguments when people should use text chat to be polite or put messages relevant to gameplay.

#3 Report Abuse » Player SUCC » 2018-11-13 14:16:04

Replies: 1

Hi, I literally just got kicked off a game a few minutes ago because I rightly got pretty angry with a stupid player called SUCC. I'm sorry if I used abusive language towards him but he was being antisemitic. I think he should be banned if he does this again, any mention of keywords like "kike" or "zyklon B" should be considered offensive language and a kickable offence.

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