#1 Re: Server Ban Appeals » Banned for random reason. » 2017-02-24 18:23:48

RubinultraS wrote:

Wtf he use my second nick,simple should know only one berserk))

I use it as my first nick since like forever. There is just one berserk and that's myself smile

Mc Coffee wrote:

Hi Berserk,
as you often play on this server, also with different names, you knew. Please follow our rules - it doesnt matter how many people are on. Your ban is already removed.
Have fun and cya on the battlefield.
Mc Coffee

Cool man, thanks for the unban.
As along time player I know the rules. I don't have to agree with them, but I do understand them.
Also I do use different nicknames. People are weird, and if my kill rate is to high then usually someone from the opposing team switch to my team just to TK me. So changing my nick once in a while fixes the problem.

#2 Re: Server Ban Appeals » Banned for random reason. » 2017-02-24 12:51:32

Cmon coofee we were only 3 active players on aghelia. All flags taken and nothing to do. BTW I was repeatedly TK by another player on the server and was pissed about it. Sorry Im not going to attack the holy base again.

#3 Server Ban Appeals » Banned for random reason. » 2017-02-24 12:45:07

Replies: 8

Got banned just now 11:40 CET for no apparent reason. I know it's not roger_that cause hes a good admin that gives warnings before kicks or bans.

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