#1 Re: Server Ban Appeals » Why was I banned? » 2012-12-21 03:57:36

Agradeço pela oportunidade Tuia, vou seguir as regras sim, mas estou sendo banido por qualquer motivo, a última vez fui banido porque bati acidentalmente contra o avião de um admin =

#2 Re: Server Ban Appeals » Why was I banned? » 2012-12-20 21:42:16

Tuia, dia 9 de dezembro eu nem estava em casa! Como fui banido por team-kill??? =S
Eu fui tentar ontem depois de quase 2 meses e ainda não conseguia logar..

#3 Re: Server Ban Appeals » Why was I banned? » 2012-12-20 00:27:09

eu ainda estou banido? Porque não consigo conectar no server? =/ já se passou mais de 1 mês

#5 Re: Server Ban Appeals » Why was I banned? » 2012-10-27 05:43:31

Mas eu me vingo porque se reclamar não fazem nada = agora vou começar a prestar atenção quando me kickam injustamente e vou denunciar, mas como saberei qual administrador me kickou? E já parei de fazer tk por divertimento, isso foi da primeira vez que fui banido, logo após parei de fazer tk até mesmo porque não queria ficar sem jogar novamente, e aconteceu de forma injusta dessa vez, me baniram e eu não sabia porque, voltei do ban pra saber o que eu tinha feito, e me baniram de novo... Quando eu já estava jogando tranquilamente, veio aquele ban permanente que não dá mais pra entrar no server =

#6 Re: Server Ban Appeals » Why was I banned? » 2012-10-26 02:53:29

Tuia, eu não fui banido nenhuma vez antes dessa, mas kickado eu fui sim, muitas vezes sem motivo! Já fui kickado apenas por entrar no tanque ou no avião que o admin entraria, aí vai e me kicka pra poder entrar! Acho isso uma falta de respeito, mas já que vou ficar 1 mês sem jogar por causa disso, nem vou me pronunciar mais =

#7 Re: Server Ban Appeals » Why was I banned? » 2012-10-24 04:53:13

I'm apologizing, and i have given more tk, only when someone attacks me and I'll discount it is fair right?!
yet i help people who are denouncing the taxi and give me tk, but often go unpunished
I'll be okay if a time without being able to play, but permanent would be very unfair because only said "noob" in jest
but anyway thanks for listening =

#8 Re: Server Ban Appeals » Why was I banned? » 2012-10-23 18:36:48

George, i have not insult the admin, i laughed and said "noob" because the plane hit me!
I came back because i wanted to know the cause, not because they wanted to escape punishment!
I did not know it would last one day, i thought it would be permanent, so i came to know what i had done, when i attacked the allied base was not because i wanted to, was white flag and when i got near the base had become allied
however, need not punish me for it, just misunderstood and thought i was insulted with the word "noob" and was just a way of playing, so that laughed before!
If you do not remember, i said so... "hahahahahhaa noob" =/

#9 Server Ban Appeals » Why was I banned? » 2012-10-23 03:47:45

Replies: 18

I was banned from the server today in the afternoon and not even know why!

Could someone explain to me what I did to get banned? I did not give TK nor TAXI

was around 15:30 ...


Nick: BR -=|DaniloQDelicia|=-
Server: Simple [FRA]

#10 Re: Server Ban Appeals » request to unban =( » 2012-09-11 19:53:10

when I try to enter appears "failed connect to server"

#12 Server Ban Appeals » request to unban =( » 2012-09-11 19:42:07

Replies: 4

BR -=|DaniloQ'Delicia|=- or -=|SsA_KilleR|=-
I do not remember the time, but i think it was one... 18:00, May 25

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