#1 Re: Report Abuse » Quit Ruining the Game » 2016-10-04 17:48:43

The carrier was moving and my wifi was lagging. I'm sorry. I tried my best. I tried telling pilot to stop. I got kicked before I could even explain.

#2 Re: Report Abuse » Quit Ruining the Game » 2016-10-04 17:46:35

Bottom line: Quit whining so much and being so quick to kick or ban. Obviously, if someone is purposely team killing or doing something stupid, kick them and let them know. But don't just kick and ban every single person for every single thing. You are leaving no room for forgiveness or accidents. It is really ruining this server. Thanks

#3 Report Abuse » Quit Ruining the Game » 2016-10-04 17:36:36

Replies: 12

You guys are such DBags on this server. Quit being such butthurt panzies and banning everyone who does one little thing. You guys are no fun to play with here but I don't really have a choice because there aren't many servers. Quit being such whiney babies. I just freaking got banned because I accidentally dropped a mine on a carrier when I was trying to repair it. My freaking bad. You guys kick me anytime I freaking accidentally team kill and are always whining during play. Grow up.

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