#1 Re: Report Abuse » Ban/Kick with no reason » 2016-09-05 02:31:51

ok so maybe he did bad stuff but it was just annoying how we were asking what we had been kicked/banned for and the admins on the server told us to "shut up" and "stop being gay" instead of answering the questions, then banned me because i kept asking with no answer

#2 Report Abuse » Ban/Kick with no reason » 2016-09-04 05:25:02

Replies: 8

The admins on the server at 11:00 EST on 9/3/16 were abusing their power by kicking my friend and me for stupid reasons multiple times. (Piper and rockinrolla, I think they were the admins)

My friend was getting in a plane, got shot by a teammate (in a tank) getting in, accidentally hit the guy when he got out of the tank to shoot at his plane, got banned for TK for 15 minutes (no warning)

I asked why he was banned, and was told by the admins to "stop being gay," while they were in the process of banning someone for having the username "butsecks." They would not give me any reason for kicking him.

later he came back and was banned again for "disruptive gameplay" but he didn't do anything

Next map, they kicked me because i accidentally ran over a bot? apparently that is against the rules, then i came back and asked why and they kicked me again without giving me 15s to play, then when i came back again they told me to shut up and play and then i said "i am trying to but i cant because i keep getting kicked" they banned me for "disruptive gameplay"

IN CONCLUSION, these guys or whichever admins were on would not take any requests or seriously (meanwhile they were breaking their own rules by taxiing to the runway, being abusive, etc.) and kept kicking and banning my friend and i multiple times

take away their power, end the oppression, mr krabs is in there

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