#1 Re: Report Abuse » Rules » 2016-08-16 03:02:34

Okay, so it's cool to shoot anyone who bails for the rest of the game then?  It's not like I bailed and he kept shooting.  I landed, ran to another plan and was halfway down the runway.

#2 Re: Server Ban Appeals » Ban period » 2016-08-16 02:46:45

You should have gone with the "my kid brother was playing" defense.  tongue

#3 Report Abuse » Rules » 2016-08-16 02:45:10

XJ Chief
Replies: 20

So do we follow these or not?  I wasn't going to say anything but the butt hurt individual then went on to make a production of this and accuse me of violating the rules.  I've been playing here a while and while I may push it I don't break them.  Bailed from my damaged BF109 with someone chasing me (previously damaged mind you) over my base.  This person loops back around and shoots me after I've run to another plane and am rolling down the runway.  I didn't ever fire a shot at them and was headed back to base before they even saw me.  I called BS.

Later, I over flew the other base during a turn and the B17 was taking off.  Of course I never fired a shot at it because that would be camping.  This same individual still butt hurt from getting called out earlier starts threatening me telling me I'm cheating.  I hate to bring this petty bull shit to the forums but if this person can't let go then I guess I have to.



#4 Re: Server Ban Appeals » Unban » 2016-07-24 00:35:28

I have a brother?   Awesome!

#5 Server Ban Appeals » Unban » 2016-07-24 00:20:09

XJ Chief
Replies: 5

So... like... uh... my little brother was playing or something... and like... uh... he got me banned.  Can Oscar please unban me.  j/k  Keep up the good work admins.

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