#1 Re: Server Ban Appeals » Your admins are fucking idiots. » 2016-03-01 13:48:40

funny thing is its not hard to change your i.p and get back into your server. I'm already back, you guys just don't know it yet <3

#2 Re: Server Ban Appeals » Your admins are fucking idiots. » 2016-03-01 13:47:49

lol buddy I'm trolling the asshat's as you call em that banned me. For a simple thing like 1 death in their main or w.e it is. Banned for life in a 15 year old game... Ugh what am I gunna do now.

#3 Re: Server Ban Appeals » Your admins are fucking idiots. » 2016-03-01 05:45:28

Hey there Sunshine lets see where you got your information from because I'm pretty sure your mistaken..You have screenshots of this? I kinda doubt it, and don't really know what your talking about when you say I talked about women ruining the game lol? That's just jokes.
Base rape is considered what let me ask? Spawn raping you in your main? Or is to you is it when our team controls all the flags and a plane taxis a runway maybe once or twice.. You guys should get your rules in check.. Mod your damn server if your gunna take it that seriously.. One or two kills while trying to take off isn't exactly uncommon, I think a certain admin was maybe the victim and got a little but butthurt. Grow some balls buddy. Who's Sally btw, guess u didn't get the reference I made.

#4 Re: Server Ban Appeals » Your admins are fucking idiots. » 2016-02-29 21:13:13

Funny to scroll down the bann appeal list and see almost on a daily basis the players you guys ban that come here asking to have it lifted.. You guys run some hardcore shit here don't u

#5 Re: Server Ban Appeals » Your admins are fucking idiots. » 2016-02-29 21:09:26

When's the annual Admin circle jerk? Will I be invited this year?

#6 Re: Server Ban Appeals » Your admins are fucking idiots. » 2016-02-29 21:08:03

13 eh.. yea back when i was still not as sensitive as you Sally

#7 Re: Server Ban Appeals » Your admins are fucking idiots. » 2016-02-29 16:38:27

Keep in mind this is an old game, with an old player base. I play many other games besides this crap. I came back after many years to see if Bf1942  still had a player base that was active n chill.. Turns out thats really not the case.. A war game full of rules.. How about mod your server if your that worried about people flying over mains? The fact you have these ego jacked admins who think its cool to insta bann instead of doing kicks or whatever before hand is just a straight up joke.. How about keep your admins to a limit, ITS A FUCKIN GAME GIRLS! DONT GET YOUR PANTIES twisted

#8 Re: Server Ban Appeals » Your admins are fucking idiots. » 2016-02-29 16:34:49

Don't give me your bullshit either about applying anything before a ban. I had zero past warning, I made one overpass of a main base and was banned.. Not like the other team doesn't base camp or even taxi the runway.. Like grow up for real, a bann haha.. Your fukin power trippin bro.

#9 Re: Server Ban Appeals » Your admins are fucking idiots. » 2016-02-29 16:33:21

Don't worry muffins you can all play your sensitive little game without me. Your admins cant even be bothered to warn a player for doing something wrong before a ban, and I find it funny you all think that's cool. I guess I remember why I quit this game back in 2004 when I was like 13. You all still have the same sensitive personality good riddance to you bunch of jokers

#10 Server Ban Appeals » Your admins are fucking idiots. » 2016-02-28 16:36:04

Replies: 47

For the second time to be banned without a prior kick or a notice or warning nothing.. For something as small as flying over an enemy main.. Pull your fucking head out of your sensitive little asses, realise this is a video game and your killing it by having these jackoff admins ruin your server by kicking anything that hurts their little feelings.. Lol go fuck you and your server.. Its not wonder I quit this game like 12 yrs ago u bunch of life rejects

#11 Feedback » Your admins are goofs » 2016-02-28 16:34:09

Replies: 8

I dont get what your deal is in this game which is like 14 years old now.. Played this thing when I was 12 and 13 years old in highschool and had less people abusing their power back then then they do now.. Like what the fucking hell.. I got off a bann from your server for not even knowing what I did.. That was last week.. Today apparently I was able to log in again.. Our team controlled all flags, I made 1 maybe 2 passes over the enemy main and i get banned again? Are your admins fucked in the head? Like is it that much of a crime to fly over a main, oh and can't they fucking warn people before throwing down the bann hammer?? This is so fucking pathetic straight up, that you have these idiots running your server who can at any time ban you with no prior warning for something as simple as that.. Go check your selves, this is a damn video game ya buch of goons.. Decide you you have in charge of servers who arent going to bann people without warning them or kicking them first.. No wonder I quit this game way back in the day, lol your all so god damn sensitive sad

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