#1 Re: Technical Help » Joining internet server together from the same network and cdkey » 2018-08-08 20:31:18

(BB)DinkW wrote:

Try changing the key hash for one or both of the machines and see what happens?


I have done but still don't know where 38a26cf6f9d2d63fe46961581bd18cf3 comes from. The other hash is the MD5 sum of NULL as previously stated. I still do not understand what was happening originally with seeing both those keys and sometimes being able to play together and other times not.

Trench wrote:

Don't know what the second one is, and would have to assume it's the hash of an actual key.  Google says a player with that key hash was on BWT-Badewiese in 2015; if that's you, then maybe that confirms its the hash of one of your actual keys.

That was not me but I am not surprised to hear another player has this key set. I was able to get it on my 3 machines at home following my method described above.

Anyhow thanks to the help I have now fixed the problem and have just finished testing. I have had 3 machines on my network (all with their own key now set) all connected at once to my internet server. I have also tested it on original, SW and RTR maps and all works perfectly. The same key is used for all xpacks.

So that's it. Problem fixed although if anyone has any ideas about what caused the original confusion I am very interested.

#2 Re: Technical Help » Joining internet server together from the same network and cdkey » 2018-08-08 00:07:00

(BB)DinkW wrote:

Does the key change when you use a different mod i.e. RTR and then change to SW?

No the mod seems to make no difference but I do have different keys set for each in the registry (done while installing the game and its xpacks). I have tested just now on my server by changing the maps from standard to RTR, SW and back again.

Edit: I think you were writing your reply (BB)DinkW just as I was writing mine having discovered what you were about to tell me! I can confirm your locations are the same as mine.

#3 Re: Technical Help » Joining internet server together from the same network and cdkey » 2018-08-08 00:04:42

Ok I have fixed my issue. Key was in the wrong place. It needs to be in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Electronic Arts\EA Games\Battlefield 1942\ergc

To find the correct place I installed a legit copy of the game...I can now play with the portable copy of the game and I keep a .reg so I can easy insert a new key directly into the database on new machines, permissions permitting.

However this does not explain the strange behaviour I had before. Why could we play sometimes and other times not. At one time THREE of us with no cdkey set were playing on the server!

#4 Re: Technical Help » Joining internet server together from the same network and cdkey » 2018-08-07 22:35:40

Ok thanks for the replies all. I hope that it is a case where I have not set the CD keys correctly. It makes the most sense and it also means I should be able to fix this.

I have done some more investigation and it seems that incorrectly set unique keys is the issue but I do have some very strange behaviour. When I am joining the server separately from the respective machines in the local network I can see that the key hash is the same. What is strange is that sometimes it changes (it cycles between two keys for my machines) which is why I have the situation I can sometimes manage to get on. The two key hashes are d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e and 38a26cf6f9d2d63fe46961581bd18cf3. Why they are not constant I am not sure but I have spotted a pattern where the key is d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e when first starting the game and joining the server. Upon map change the key changes to 38a26cf6f9d2d63fe46961581bd18cf3. I can't explain this. hmm

I am on windows 10, having set the game to run as admin and set comparability mode for XP SP3. My CD key is set HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\VirtualStore\MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Electronic Arts\EA GAMES\Battlefield 1942\ergc

#5 Re: Technical Help » Joining internet server together from the same network and cdkey » 2018-08-06 13:28:11

I have done just this and the key hashes are different for each player. I will post the screenshot I took when I get home.

Are the same keys used for Bf1942 and its expansions. My understanding was that while RTR and SW have different keys, online the bf1942 key is only used?

#6 Technical Help » Joining internet server together from the same network and cdkey » 2018-08-06 11:54:30

Replies: 13

I have a few questions regarding cd keys and playing on a ‘internet’ server from the same network. I have asked similar questions before but now have a bit more information and need clarification. Me and my family have played BF1942 for years. We have almost always played via LAN and so cd keys have never been an issue but we have also played many times in the past together on the same online server from within the same household (same network). Three of us used to play at once with no issues. To do this we each had our own legitimate copy of the game (own cd-key) as online servers would not allow duplicate cdkeys to play at the same time; you would get a ‘cdkey in use’ message when trying to join. Now when we play we set up passworded an internet server as not all of us are in the same house anymore (not all on the same network). I know we could use a VPN service like Hamachi to play but I want to try and get the ‘internet’ server working so that we could also open it up to the public if we wished.

The problem we are now having is that when we all try to join this internet server I am hosting, those within the same household (same network) are getting a ‘cdkey in use’ error. What is even stranger is that when playing the original maps it sometimes works (we all get in). It never works for RTR or SW expansions however.

I am hosting using the cracked dedicated server files. From my previous questions my understanding is that this server does not check that a cdkey is legitimate (not possible anymore) but it will still check for duplicates. This is easily solved; just each have our own cdkey. My understanding here is that the key does not need to be valid, just not collide with anyone else playing on the server. I ensured we each had a unique key but the problem persists when I host the server. I can only assume at this point that this is not a cdkey issue but rather an issue when two people within the same network try and join the ‘internet’ server.

The exact setup is this:
I host a dedicated server at home, all port forwarded correctly. Two of us within this same network then try and join the server. One of us gets in, the other will get a ‘cdkey in use’ message. Two other people joining from their own networks get in without issue. Other random online players are also able to join. We all have our own cdkeys set which I confirmed during one of those times we were all able to get in; our cdkey hashes were all different!

Can anyone confirm/explain what is happening here and even better does anyone have a solution?


#9 Re: BF1942 Discussion » Battlefield 1942 Portable » 2017-12-24 14:40:14

I should add that the reason I ask about the expansions being different is that four of us where are able to play on our online server palying iwo jima (map from the original game) but when switched to a SW map we had the key issue. I assumed therefore that a different key was being used.

#10 Re: BF1942 Discussion » Battlefield 1942 Portable » 2017-12-24 14:29:35

Yes sorry I was not very clear. So lets say I have the portable version on a machine that has never had bf1942 installed and as such there is no key in the registry. I imagine this means the key is NULL. If multiple people with a NULL key join a server you get a cdkey in use message.

I believe that I can change the key to anything (random sequence of alpha-numeric character) that does not need to be a valid bf1942 key so as to fix this problem but unsure where to create the key in the registry. I believe the reg location is different on an XP machine than it is on windows 7/8/10.

#11 Re: BF1942 Discussion » Battlefield 1942 Portable » 2017-12-23 19:02:06

Do you guys know the CDkey locations for both BF1942 and its two expansions in the registry when playing on windows 7 or windows 10. I believe they change for these later operating systems. Simply I need to know how to manually change the cdkey


#13 Re: BF1942 Discussion » Battlefield 1942 Portable » 2016-12-20 19:57:34

The only problem I can see with the portable version (already been touched upon by tuia) is that if you run it on a machine with no cdkey value in the registry, everyone doing the same as you will have the same cdkey (a null value in this case). If you try and play on the same server together then you cannot.

While the 'patched' versions of the server no longer validate CD keys, it appears that the server still does not allow players with identical keys to play on the server at the same time (although you can on LAN servers). You get a 'cdkey in use' message. I don't know what would be involved with changing this or even if it can/should be edited.

The fix is to simply manually make that registry value and change it to something that is likely unique. It certainly does not need to be a valid cdkey as explained above.

For this reason I would not say the game is truly portable, but pretty close. Most people will have installed the game via CD and then replaced the required files with the 'patched' version. Because of this everyone will have a unique (and probably valid) cdkey.

tuia wrote:

The right way to make it portable, would be to read the CD-key and game language value from a text file, but that involves some larger changes in executable.

#14 Re: Technical Help » Exactly what ports need to be opened? » 2016-12-20 19:43:22

I think you are confused. See this second screenshot: https://gyazo.com/cfacd862840c091ca94fdd0d0eff2ef0

Some servers as grey, some are yellow and I have set the 'YOU ARE ON NEW MASTER' to favorites and you can see it is in a brighter yellow. You should be able to see the color difference.

#15 Re: Technical Help » Exactly what ports need to be opened? » 2016-12-20 19:26:51

Sorry I was unclear. I mean some servers appear in yellow text and others appear in grey.

See this screenshot: https://gyazo.com/125e0f83159c795c1997edcd196e7bb5

My server is one that appears in grey. I always through this meant in was a different version than the client you are running?

#16 Re: Technical Help » Exactly what ports need to be opened? » 2016-12-20 18:30:52

fatfewl wrote:

or maybe my router is preventing me from looping back and connecting from my own public IP.

This was exactly the problem. I tested by going in from another isolated connection (tethered my phones connection). I can confirm it is working and someone else even joined.

However I noticed my server does not appear in bright yellow like the others, as if it is the wrong version. You can still join it but it certainly makes it less visible. Any idea why this would be? I am using server 'Battlefield 1942 v1.612 Windows server executable patched' and client 'Battlefield 1942 v1.612 Retail executable patched'.

#17 Re: Technical Help » Exactly what ports need to be opened? » 2016-12-20 17:32:17

For testing purpose I have put the machine hosting the server within the DMZ temporarily. The server appears at http://master.bf1942.sk/ but I cannot see it from in game or connect via my own public IP. Local IP works fine and I can join. I don't know if the server is not visible or maybe my router is preventing me from looping back and connecting from my own public IP.

The server needs to be both reachable from the internet and appear in the master server list so people can actually see it.

#18 Technical Help » Exactly what ports need to be opened? » 2016-12-20 15:12:18

Replies: 12

Sorry as I know this is a duplicate post but just to be crystal clear exactly what ports need to be opened in order for my BF1942 server to be both reachable from the internet and appear in the new master server list?

I believe I am already using the correct server executable and indeed my server must be sending heartbeats to the new master server list as it appears at http://master.bf1942.sk/ but cannot be seen when browsing the server in game. Likewise I cannot connect using my public IP. This points to being a port or firewall problem but I am sure I have opened the correct ports.

Just to be be sure I am asking exactly What ports require opening. The ports I have opened are:

23000 to 23009
4711 (for the remote manager)

Thanks for the help.

#19 Re: Technical Help » ServerManager v2.01 constantly crashing (restart loop) » 2015-08-24 21:52:07

Thanks again for your help. As you say PizzatheHut it always crashes but then always stays up upon manually restarting. Ran for over 15 hours yesterday before I took the server offline. I have only tested your solution with BFServerManager201-patched and as it works so don't feel I need to test the other versions of the manager.

Thanks all, problem fixed.

#20 Re: Technical Help » ServerManager v2.01 constantly crashing (restart loop) » 2015-08-23 12:45:56

The solution offered by PizzatheHut seems to have solved my problem but the server does always crash once first. I will try bud's suggestion today.

I agree Linux is better but I am only hosting from home. Originally I used to host through the in game menu, then moved to the dedicated server then finally to GameServer manager as it is simple and makes things much easier. Setting up Linux in this case would actually be a bigger overhead and I should not need to when simply hosting a quick and dirty BF1942 server.

Thanks all.

#21 Re: Technical Help » ServerManager v2.01 constantly crashing (restart loop) » 2015-08-22 21:01:35

Giving it a try and will report back. Thanks in any case.

#22 Technical Help » ServerManager v2.01 constantly crashing (restart loop) » 2015-08-22 20:25:22

Replies: 13

I have seen this problem posted before but not a clear solution.

I have downloaded the Battlefield 1942 v1.61 Windows server executable patched and replaced the files as required. I can run a dedicated server without issue (in winXP sp3 compatibility mode) using the DedicatedServer.exe.

When I try and use the server manager  however (the same with any version I try including the provided BFServerManager201-patched what happens is the server starts but then always crashes after 30 seconds to a minute. During this time the server works and I can even connect to it but it always crashes. This just continues in a loop.

I am using Windows 8.1 64bit. The BF1942 game itself works fine. I would love to be able to use the manager as I have used it in the past and improves the experience significantly.

Any suggestions?

Thanks in advance for your help.

EDIT: I have downloaded the dedicated server separately as I have seen described in other posts but this did not fix the issue. Neither did using the Battlefield 1942 v1.612 Windows server executable patched

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