#1 Re: Server Ban Appeals » banned » 2014-09-14 21:04:02

I’m not trying to get unbanned anymore like I said I’m tired of this game . but to my defense I have no Idea were my CD keys are and have been ..I got it from a gamers forum along with some others..guy said he was sick of the game and no longer played it ..
As far as avoiding ban.. since when is admitting you know how to reset your IP but not doing it put you on a guilty verdict?
And since when Is trying to avoid a getting faulty accused of something make you guilty as well?
My cheat on this server is one thing my low ping.. when I play on other high ping servers it’s a whole different ball game and I never get accused of cheating on those servers. With 7 ping you just aim and shoot and the  player is dead its night and day from 200 ping.. night and day.

#2 Re: Server Ban Appeals » banned » 2014-09-12 18:14:27

Ok well it’s your server….. so I guess I will have to live with it.. your wrong I don’t cheat.. but I’m not going to make more if it that what it is and get upset (it’s only a game) .. one I’m kinda  sick of anyhow.
Thanks you for the game play up until now..no hard feelings..
(Who knows maybe someday I will have my own server and I can ban you for false pretense..)

#3 Re: Server Ban Appeals » banned » 2014-09-12 12:33:41

no cheats.. and I don't know what you mean evading bans before you appealed..

#4 Re: Server Ban Appeals » banned » 2014-09-11 21:37:25

Ok..but  who is the admin?  Only admin I have seen lately is tookie but he wasn’t playing plus he wouldn’t ban me for playing good.. I don’t think…. but he’s good himself so he doesn’t need to..all the other admin I know of I haven’t seen in a while….thx

#5 Server Ban Appeals » banned » 2014-09-11 19:17:10

Replies: 12

I was IP banned from simple server USA at 11.00am Pacific standard time. Map was Gazala the admin is unknown. Nothing was said to me(because I wasn’t doing anything wrong)  and I was not breaking any rules, Tking, base camping or cheating or have I ever…I could just change my IP by unplugging my router But I think I should say something to the site admins so they are aware this is going on.. My ping is about 7 so I have a huge advantage  and it tends to get me banned from This server very fast.. if I am aware the admin is there I will let him kill me half theTime so I don’t get banned . I do this on the USA server only… I took a screen shots of Players so maybe you guys will know who the admin is..thx and thx for the game play
Player name benzin   
Cd hash  aee510edcfc96c593128d0f5ac5f6eb9

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